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Get that u-joint series right the first time
Learn how to spec out a flange for your driveshaft
Determine the right transmission slip yoke
Measure for a transmission slip yoke to u-joint driveshaft
Measure for a transmission slip yoke to flange driveshaft
Measure for a u-joint to u-joint with slip/spline driveshaft
Measure for a flange to u-joint with slip/spline driveshaft
Measure for a flange to flange with slip/spline driveshaft
Measure for a 2-piece driveshaft rear section with pinion yoke
Measure for a 2-piece rear section with pinion flange
Measure a 2-piece front section with a transmission/transfer case slip yoke
Measure for a 2-piece front section with transmission/transfer case flange
Measure for a 2-piece driveshaft front section with transmission/transfer case end yoke